Geodis & Delta Drone, Lauching Automated Inventory with Safe-TElistair Team2 minutesShare the articleAfter several months of development, GEODIS and DELTA DRONE have announced the launch of a new automated inventory solution for warehouse, based on tethered drones....
Partners and R&D Projects
Elistair Partners with DataFromSky to Develop Automated Traffic Monitoring
Elistair Partners with DataFromSky to Develop Automated Traffic MonitoringElistair Team7 minutesShare the articleLyon, France, October 24th, 2016 - Elistair, a drone company designing and manufacturing tethering stations for drones, announces a commercial partnership...
Elistair selected for the European program “HORIZON 2020”
Elistair selected for the European program "HORIZON 2020"Elistair Team1 minutesShare the articleHorizon 2020 is a European Research and Innovation Framework Programme (2014-2020), endowed with 79 billions dollars to assist research and innovative project. It focuses...