Améliorer la sécurité des sites industriels à l'aide de drones filaires
Feedback from Hellenic Petroleum HSE Manager
Dans ce webinar, deux experts de l'industrie expliquent comment ils ont surveillé les opérations de maintenance générale dans une raffinerie de pétrole avec une combinaison de drones libres et de drones captifs. Rencontrez nos invités, Lialios Asterios, directeur de la santé, de la sécurité, de la sécurité incendie et de l'environnement chez Hellenic Petroleum, et Evangelos Tzitzis, directeur des opérations de Hellenic Drones S.A.
Guest Speaker

Lialios Asterios
Director of Health, Safety and Environment of Industrial Facilities – Hellenic Petroleum S.A.
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Key Highlights
- Tethered drones as tactical communication relays: Tethered drones offer extended communication range, improved line-of-sight and can be rapidly deployed for tactical operations.
- Reducing ground clutter effects: By placing the antenna at a higher elevation, it reduces the chance of signal interference caused by ground-based obstacles such as buildings, vegetation, or uneven terrain.
- Tethered drones vs other equipment: Key differences between tethered drones and other equipment such as aerostats resides in the flexibility, weather tolerance, and intelligence of the tethered UAS.
Présenté par
Lialios Asterios
Director of Health, Safety and Environment of Industrial Facilities – Hellenic Petroleum S.A.

Director of Health, Safety, and Environment of Industrial Facilities at Hellenic Petroleum S.A. Asterios Lialios started his career at Petrola Refinery. He was then appointed to Hellenic Petroleum Refinery where he worked at times in the Process Engineering, Production, and Oil Movement Departments. He has been engaged in Health & Safety, and today he is the Director of the Health & Safety-Fire Safety and Environment Directorate of the HELPE’s Industrial Facilities in Elefsina, Greece.
Evangelos Tzitzis
Hellenic Drones
Operation Director of Hellenic Drones S.A Greece. Evangelos Tzitzis started his career as a Navy Officer, retired with the rank of Commodore in 2018, and since then has been Chief Operation Officer of Hellenic Drones. He has been engaged in the UAS/C-UAS industry since 2009, initially as part of his Navy officer capacity and currently as Hellenic Drones.