UGV and Drone : 4 advantages on the battlefield Elistair Team8 minutesShare the article Technological advancements in the defense sector reshape missions execution. Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) solutions, (also known as an autonomous ground vehicle), have...
Qu'est-ce que la C5ISR et pourquoi est-elle vitale pour la défense moderne ?
What is C5ISR and Why Is It Vital for Modern Defense? Elistair Team8 minutes Share the article In an era where military threats are complex and unpredictable, C5ISR emerges as a critical defense framework. C5ISR combines Command, Control, Communications,...
Antenne à hauteur variable : améliorer les communications tactiques
Variable Height Antenna: Enhancing Tactical Comms with Drone-Integrated Solutions Elistair Team8 minutesShare the article In today’s rapidly changing defense environment, communications is crucial for tactical operations. This applies to both special forces...
Station de drone filaire : comment choisir la meilleure ?
How to choose the best tethered drone station? Elistair Team10 minutesShare the article In today’s fast-paced world, tethered drones have become indispensable tools for various industries, including defense, surveillance, and emergency response. But choosing...
Drone avec caméra thermique : Découvrir le monde par l'infrarouge
Drones with Thermal Camera: Unveiling the World Through Infrareds Antoine Bonnier8 minutesShare the articleThermal cameras unveil the hidden dimension of heat, harnessing infrared radiation to detect temperature variations beyond human vision. Drone with thermal...
Comment les drones pour la police améliorent les opérations des forces de l'ordre
How Drones for Police are Revolutionizing Law Enforcement Operations Garrett Connolly12 minutesShare the articleIn recent years, the integration of drone technology into law enforcement operations has marked a significant shift in policing tactics. Drones for...
5 façons dont les drones renforcent la sécurité militaire
In the ever-evolving landscape of military operations, ensuring soldier safety remains an absolute priority. The integration of drones into military strategies is revolutionizing how nations approach security concerns and battlefield tactics. We explore how UAVs, including tethered drones, are improving soldier safety in the USA and worldwide.
Quelle est la puissance de la DRI dans la surveillance des drones ?
How powerful is DRI in drone surveillance ? Elistair Team8 minutesShare the articleIn the realm of drone surveillance, Detection, Recognition, and Identification (DRI) represent critical metrics that define the performance of a camera system. These metrics are...
Comment lancer avec succès un programme de drones pour les forces de l'ordre ?
How to Launch a Successful Law Enforcement Drone ProgramElistair Team5 minutesShare the articleUnmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, are rapidly becoming a valuable tool for law enforcement agencies. They provide real-time situational awareness, enhance officer...
Les compétences nécessaires aux opérateurs de capteurs de drones tactiques
The Skills Needed for Tactical Drones Sensor OperatorsElistair Team6 minutesShare the articleThe sensor operator, or drone camera operator, of tactical drones plays a key role in the mission success. They are in charge of collecting actionable intelligence that will...
Des drones pour les forces de l'ordre : 6 étapes pour organiser une mission
Drones for law enforcement: 6 steps to organize a missionElistair Team12 minutesShare the articleDrones for law enforcement have become increasingly valuable tools for public agencies worldwide. Police have been using drones for various operations such as crowd...
Systèmes de drones filaires et drones traditionnels : Principales différences
Tethered Drone Systems vs. Traditional Drones: What is the Difference?Elistair Team12 minutesShare the articleWhat exactly are tethered drone systems? What is the difference between tethered drones and traditional UAVs? What are the advantages and inconvenients of...
Systèmes d'aérostats captifs et drones filaires : Principales différences
Tethered Aerostat Systems and Tethered Drones: Main Differences Elistair Team12 minutesShare the articleTethered aerostat systems and tethered drone are both excellent tools for conducting aerial surveillance. The unique characteristics of these platforms make...
Communications tactiques : le rôle des drones filaires
Tactical communications: the role of tethered dronesDavid Daly10 minutesShare the articleAs tactical communications continue to advance, military forces around the world are adopting defense UAV technology. Tethered military drones offer several significant benefits,...
Les drones filaires dans le nouveau règlement européen
Tethered Drones in the New European RegulationMate P.11 minutesShare the articlePart 1 - New European regulation on drones: goals and classification In 2019, two new regulation were adopted by the European Commission on the provisions related to operations with...
Quels sont les avantages des drones filaires ?
What Are The Benefits Of Tethered Drones?Russel A5 minutesShare the articleThe market for tethered drones is growing exponentially as more commercial industries adopt them for their operations. Advanced technological developments in tethered UAVs have opened up new...
Drones pour la patrouille frontalière : Renforcer la sécurité grâce à la technologie des drones filaires
Drones for Border Patrol – Enhancing Security with Tethered UAV TechnologyDavid T. Daly11 minutesShare the articleWhile it might seem hard to believe, militaries around the world have used drones for border safety for over one hundred years. Early military...
Drones filaires : Comment assurer la sécurité de tous à distance de sécurité
Tethered Drones: How To Ensure Everyone's Security From A Safe DistanceElistair Team3 minutesShare the articleThe last decades have seen security measures in airports grow exponentially due to unauthorised access by protestors, terrorist attacks and other threats.In...
La réglementation européenne de 2020 établira-t-elle une classification des risques ?
The Future of Drones: Will the European Regulations of 2020 Establish a Risk Classification?Elistair Team6 minutesShare the articleAiming to provide a unified legal framework for all of Europe, the EASA has recently published the new European Regulation on the use of...
CNN diffuse 13 heures d'images aériennes en direct du débat américain avec la station filaire Ligh-T
CNN covers 13 hours of live aerial footage for the US debate with Elistair Ligh-T drone tether systemElistair Team4 minutesShare the articleOn January 14, 2020, for the first U.S. Democratic debate of the year held on Drake University campus in Des Moines, Iowa, CNN...
Vidéo - Surveillance d'un incendie dans une raffinerie à l'aide d'un drone captif
Video - Monitoring a Refinery Fire with Tethered UAVElistair Team2 minutesShare the articleOne tethered UAV to obtain continuous live surveillance of a 3 kms perimeter, and optimize the monitoring of the incident. Refinery fires present an immediate risk to human life...
Drone militaire : Vers le soldat 3.0
Military drone: towards the Soldier 3.0Jean-Charles Kine6 minutesShare the articleMilitary drone systems have become essential tools for modern security and defense operations. Around the world, military forces, public security services, humanitarian organizations,...
Vidéo - Surveillance d'un exercice antiterroriste avec le drone captif Orion.
Video - Anti-terror drill monitoring with Orion tethered UAVMarie Fayot | 8 June 2023 | 5 minMarie Fayot5 minutesShare the articleOne tethered UAV to locate dangers and coordinate efficiently hundreds of emergency workers. In case of a terrorist chemical attack, a...
Elistair intègre le réseau ad hoc sans pilote Silvus à son UAS filaire
Elistair integrates Silvus unmanned ad-hoc networking to its tethered UASMarie Fayot3 minutesShare the articleElistair and Silvus technologies united their expertise to provide mobile-networked multiple input and multiple output (MN-MIMO) networking by embedding a...
Grand Prix de France 2019 Sécurité - 4 jours, 2 drones captifs, 84 heures de vol
French Grand Prix 2019 Security – 4 days, 2 tethered drones, 84 hours of flightMarie Fayot2 minutesShare the articleThis year, the Formula 1 Grand Prix gathered 135 000 spectators and more than 28 000 vehicles in Le Castellet, France. Facing two major problematics of...
Sécurité des événements : Sécuriser la Ligue des Champions avec un drone captif
Spanish Police Chooses Elistair Drone Tether for the UEFA Champions LeagueElistair Team3 minutesShare the articleDuring the UEFA Champions League Final played on 1 June 2019 at the Wanda Metropolitano stadium in Madrid, police forces used Elistair tethered drone...
Drones filaires pour les services d'urgence
Drone Tethers for Emergency Services ApplicationsMarie Fayot7 minutesShare the articleThe use of drone tether to provide situational awareness was once the sole privilege of leading military forces who possessed the budget and the doctrine to employ them effectively....
Défis et solutions en matière de sécurité des événements : Des drones à l'analyse en temps réel
Events Security Challenges and Solutions: From Drones to Real-Time AnalysisElistair Team13 minutesShare the articleAt the end of 2017, the General Secretary of Interpol was worried. There was a rise in hooliganism, terrorism, and cyber security threats. These threats...
Les drones filaires d'Elistair sélectionnés pour la diffusion et la sécurité du Super Bowl
Elistair tethered drones selected for broadcasting & security at the Super BowlMarie Fayot5 minutesShare the articleDuring the 53rd Super Bowl, two Elistair tethered drones were selected, one by CNN for TV broadcasting and one by Unified Command for security The...
La police française utilise le drone filaire d'Elistair pour assurer la sécurité des arènes de Bordeaux
French Police uses Elistair tethered drone For security at the Bordeaux ArenaMarie Fayot4 minutesShare the articleOn November 30th, fans of French singer Orelsan were able to enjoy the singer’s music with increased security provided by drone technology. To assist the...
Les autorités choisissent le drone Orion pour assurer la sécurité de la Ryder Cup 2018
Authorities choose the Orion drone for security of the Ryder Cup 2018Marie Fayot3 minutesShare the articleA tethered drone built by Elistair was used by the French authorities to ensure continuous aerial surveillance of one of the biggest international sport...
Déploiement d'un drone filaire pour le championnat du monde de motocyclisme.
Deployment of A Tethered Drone for the Motorcycle World ChampionshipMarie Fayot | 8 June 2023 | 3 minMarie Fayot3 minutesShare the articleElistair’s Orion tethered drone ensured continuous aerial surveillance over the Bol d'Or, the first run of the Endurance...
Drone captif Elistair pour le deuxième salon aéronautique de France, pour la gestion des flux
Elistair tethered drone for France 2nd largest air show, for flow managementMarie Fayot3 minutesShare the articleElistair’s Orion drone has been deployed in conjunction with Delta Drone to provide surveillance of La Ferté Alais air show This deployment was in support...
Les CFF et Elistair ont expérimenté un système d'attache pour drone afin de couvrir un accident ferroviaire impliquant des produits chimiques
SBB & Elistair Experimented Drone Tether System to Cover Train Accident Involving Chemical ProductsMarie Fayot3 minutesShare the articleIn 2015, almost 2000 train accidents were reported in the US, and more than 1600 in Europe. Despite the increasing safety of trains...
Éléments à prendre en compte dans le choix d'une station de drone filaire
Considerations in Selecting a Tethered Drone StationElistair Team4 minutesShare the articleBattery-limited flight time and the need for risk-free operation have become major challenges for keeping pace with the increased use of micro-drones for observation, data...
Systèmes de drones filaire pour la sécurité publique et nationale
Tethered Drone Systems For Public Safety and National SecurityElistair Team8 minutesShare the articleOne of the big challenges of our modern societies is the capacity of states to ensure their constituents’ safety against new threats. While security and surveillance...
Systèmes de drones filaire pour la sécurité publique et nationale
Firefighting Drones - Elistair participates in Live experimentsElistair Team3 minutesShare the articleElistair tethered drone systems were deployed over firefighting live experiments in Poitiers, France, and provided a live continuous aerial videostream for better...
Comparaison des solutions de surveillance aérienne permanente
A Comparison of Persistent Aerial Surveillance SolutionsElistair Team5 minutesShare the articleIn many situations, having a permanent eye in the sky to guide the activities of men on the ground is a crucial asset. A non-exhaustive list can include firefighting,...
[Communiqué de presse] Elistair, des drones captifs pour des vols illimités
[Press Release] Elistair, tethered drones for unlimited flightsElistair Team3 minutesShare the articleLyon, France, February 9, 2016 – Elistair, a startup based in Lyon, France, closed its first fiscal period and launched its SAFE-T solution, the first smart tethered...