Security Drone: All You Need To Know

What is a security drone ? How does Police and first responders use drones ?
What about safety operations in industries or sensitive sites ?

Let’s deep dive into the world of aerial surveillance for emergency response, law enforcement and private security. Discover the main types of security drones and their applications with detailed examples and end users feedback.

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Definition of Security Drones

A security drone is an unmanned vehicle specifically designed to assist public safety professionals, in their law enforcement operations and drone operators involved in private security or industrial safety missions. These drones can be equipped with advanced imaging and sensing technology to conduct for example aerial surveillance or telecommunications missions. Their primary function is to deliver real-time aerial or ground footage and data, essential for situational awareness and decision-making in security scenarios.

Let’s focus here on aerial drones used for public safety and industrial security applications.

Different Types of Security Drones

Here are the most common types of security drones used in public safety and private security applications. Each type of drone has specific features and capabilities, making them suitable for various tasks in these sectors:

Multirotor Drones

The most common type of drone. They are highly maneuverable and able to hover in place, making them frequently used for urban surveillance, crowd monitoring, and incident response.

Multi-rotor drone flying in the sky

Nano/Micro Drones

These are small and often hand-launched drones, used for indoor surveillance, confined space inspections, or situations where stealth is necessary. They are beneficial for tactical operations by police or special forces.

Nano drone held by a gloved hand

Tethered Drones

These are security drone solutions connected to a ground station by a tether, providing continuous power and secure data transfer. They are used for prolonged surveillance over a fixed location, like during large public events or for perimeter security.

Tethered drone in operation from a vehicle

Fixed-Wing Drones

These long-range drones have a rigid wing structure and can cover larger distances and stay airborne for longer periods. They are ideal for large-scale surveillance and monitoring, such as border security or large facility protection.

Fixed-wing drone flying in the sky

Heavy-Lift Drones

These drones are capable of carrying heavier payloads and can be used for transporting equipment or supplies during emergency situations or for logistic purposes in secure facilities.

Heavy-lift drone with attached equipment

Each type of security drone offers unique advantages for different security and public safety scenarios. The choice of drone often depends on the specific requirements of the task, such as the area to be covered, duration of the mission, and the nature of the surveillance or operation needed.

Public Safety Drones Applications

Security drone technology offers unparalleled capabilities to public safety operations across many applications. They have become indispensable in enhancing security and efficiency, from large-scale event security to critical anti-terrorist operations. Let’s review some of the main applications involving security drone technologies.

Crowd Managemement and Traffic Monitoring

During public events, security drones provide overhead surveillance, enabling rapid response to any potential danger, ensuring the safety of attendees. Their main advantage is their aerial view, enabling security teams to follow movements with no sight obstruction, and to better coordinate ground teams interventions.

Combined with image analysis software for traffic monitoring, they provide operators with real-time data that are key to understand and manage congestion, and optimize traffic flows. Their bird’s eye view is also useful for managing accidents, and increased traffic events, such as during sports or cultural gatherings.

Natural Disaster Assessment

Natural disaster response is markedly enhanced with drone technology. Before and after events such as fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods, drones assess damage, identify accessible routes for emergency responders, and help prioritize recovery efforts. This capability ensures a more organized and effective response, minimizing the disaster’s aftermath on affected communities.

Drone assessing the damage of a natural disaster

Moreover, in incidents involving hazardous materials, drones can enter contaminated zones to collect data without exposing human responders to danger. They offer a safe and efficient way to assess the situation, plan decontamination processes, and monitor ongoing threats to public health and the environment

Security Operations

Drone assessing the damage of a natural disaster

Security drone solutions also play a pivotal role in major security operations such as anti-terrorist missions, coastal surveillance, response to urban violence. By providing overhead surveillance with their cameras or telecommunications devices, they can monitor suspicious activities, track terrorist movements, and support tactical operations with a better understanding of the situation to limit the risks incurred by responders

“By using tethered drones, we were able to gain a significant advantage in keeping people safe at a large event such as this massive festival. Our main goal was to take people flow of the festival and send it to the CPOPS event coordination team, so they can have live footage of what is going on around the festival.”

Sam Wolters

Mission Coordinator G4S Drone Services

Industrial Drones

Security drone technology has spread throughout industries to help prevent incidents, intrusions, manage response, and even inspect infrastructure. UAVs offer a blend of versatility, efficiency, and advanced capabilities to complement traditional methods.

Fire trucks and firefighters responding to an industrial fire with drones

Risks Identification

Infrastructure inspection is another area where drones excel. They can navigate around or even inside buildings, bridges, and pipelines, capturing high-resolution images that help identify wear and tear, structural damages or hazardous material spills.

This proactive maintenance approach helps prevent costly downtimes and accidents, ensuring the longevity and safety of the infrastructure. In worst case scenarios, they can support quick action to mitigate threats to worker safety and operational continuity.


Intrusion prevention has also been significantly enhanced through security drone technology. Equipped with night vision and thermal imaging, drones can patrol large perimeters, or hover for day into night periods, detecting unauthorized entries in real time.

They can provide real-time aerial footage that helps coordinate ground teams more effectively, ensuring everyone is aware of their surroundings and objectives. This enhances communication and operational efficiency, making complex tasks more manageable.

In summary, the integration of security drone technology in industrial applications not only enhances traditional security and safety measures but also introduces a new level of operational efficiency and proactive management. Its adaptability and broad range of applications make it an indispensable tool for modern industries looking to safeguard their assets, personnel, and the environment.

“The drone gives us a clear picture, optical and thermal, of the site. The thermal imagery provides not only a view of the incident, but also datas of its magnitude. Having a drone is an asset that can help us make the right decisions on time”.

Lialios Asterios

Aspropyrgos Refinery HSE Director

Benefits of Drone Surveillance

An Enhanced Situational Awareness

Nowadays in security drone operations, drone surveillance has revolutionized the way missions are conducted, providing an “eye in the sky” for real-time, aerial surveillance.

Control room monitoring enhanced situational awareness with drones

These drones offer a global view, enabling to overwatch extensive areas with precision and deliver actionable intelligence. A security drone can be equipped with a wide array of camera options to meet the specific requirements of each mission.

The versatility of these camera systems allows for detailed surveillance missions, whether it’s tracking a suspect, overseeing a disaster zone, or monitoring dense traffic areas.

In addition, their advanced image analysis software can identify patterns, behaviors, and anomalies invisible to the naked eye, transforming drones into vital analytical tools for law enforcement and security professionals.

Operators are able to see what is happening as it unfolds, enabling them to make informed decisions quickly. This instantaneous flow accessible through drone surveillance is crucial in dynamic scenarios where conditions can change rapidly, such as during search and rescue operations, crowd control situations, or when responding to natural disasters.

The performance of thermal drone camera

Comparison of thermal and normal drone camera views

The thermal camera and security drone combination is a game-changing tool for law enforcement and private security operations. Unlike standard cameras, thermal imaging devices capture the infrared energy emitted by objects and individuals, transforming thermal energy into visible images.

This technology allows security drone operators to identify subjects in complete darkness, through smoke, or obscured by foliage, providing key observation support that traditional cameras cannot.

For security operations, the advantage is clear:

suspects cannot hide as easily in the night, and individuals in distress can be quickly located, making thermal-equipped drones invaluable for search and rescue missions.

Additionally, thermal cameras can monitor temperature variations in industrial settings, identifying potential fire hazards before they escalate.

By integrating thermal cameras, security drones offer a strategic overview, giving operators the ability to see beyond the visible spectrum.

Drones As Key Assets For Telecommunications

With the ability to carry telecommunications payloads, a security drone becomes a mobile, variable height antenna, able to provide vital connectivity in diverse scenarios.

Tethered drone being operated in a snowy landscape

In the case of natural disasters, when traditional communication infrastructures often fail, drones equipped with relay antennas can swiftly establish pop-up networks. This capability is crucial for first responders, enabling effective coordination and communication in areas otherwise cut off from the world.

Moreover, for law enforcement operations, drones can be outfitted with IMSI catcher payloads. This adaptation amplifies the reach of these devices, making it an invaluable tool in anti-terrorism missions by intercepting mobile phone communications to locate and neutralize threats.

In tactical contexts, these aerial assets forge reliable communication channels between field teams and command centers, guaranteeing the secure and efficient transfer of sensitive data, particularly in areas that are remote or otherwise hard to reach.

The adaptability of security drone reaches beyond standard law enforcement uses.

Equipped with telecommunications payloads, they bolster operational effectiveness and secure mission outcomes by enhancing communication and coordination.

“The idea of tethered drones is to have an eye of view for a situation in real time, to act faster and protect large events.”

Guilhem De Marliave

CEO & Co – founder of Elistair.

Conclusion about Security Drones

The ability to gain a global view over large areas, the versatility of camera options, enhanced situational awareness, the flexibility and rapid deployment capabilities of security drones, and the generation of actionable intelligence through image analysis software collectively contribute to a more informed, responsive, and effective security posture.

For law enforcement and private security operators, the integration of drone technology into their operational framework is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity in the ever-evolving landscape of security challenges.

Security Drones FAQ

What is a surveillance drone?

Yes, drones are vital for security, offering aerial views and situational awareness without risking personnel. Equipped with advanced cameras for day and night monitoring, they can surveil large areas continuously, help monitoring events or support first responders in emergencies.
When tethered to a ground power station, they are also are ideal for extended surveillance. Additionally, drones with telecommunication payloads play a crucial role in reconnaissance and emergency response, carrying devices like IMSI catchers to monitor communications and establishing temporary networks in remote or infrastructure-lacking areas.

Why are DJI drones blacklisted?

DJI drones have come under fire for potential security issues, especially when used in sensitive or government areas.
The main worry is about data privacy and the fear that the drones might send data to servers abroad without permission. To address these concerns, DJI has added features such as a mode keeping data local and has set up servers in the countries they operate in.
Despite these steps, some groups and countries still hesitate to use DJI drones for critical tasks, waiting for more solid guarantees.

Which drone is best for security surveillance?

Various drones are tailored for security and surveillance. Multi-rotor drones offer stability and ease of use, ideal for urban settings and crowd monitoring, while nano and micro-drones excel in indoor surveillance and tactical missions due to their size and agility. Tethered drones provide extended air time for prolonged operations.
Key to enhancing a drone’s surveillance capabilities are its payloads, such as high-definition and thermal imaging cameras, which enable clear footage and heat signature detection. Integrating AI for object identification and target tracking further boosts efficiency and the drone’s operational intelligence.